Adult Scum - Intimacy CDr


Intimacy ventures into the realm of harsh noise, pushing the boundaries of sonic exploration to unearth the raw, unfiltered essence of human desire. With a foundation rooted in Freudian theory, this album serves as a sonic excavation, stripping away layers of societal veneer to expose the primal urges that pulse beneath the surface. Each cacophonous track reverberates with the dissonance of the subconscious, wielding a relentless barrage of abrasive textures and ear-splitting frequencies. Through this onslaught of sound, Intimacy confronts listeners with the uncomfortable truth of their own inner turmoil, forcing them to grapple with the visceral reality of their deepest desires. This is not music for the faint of heart; it's a visceral assault on the senses—a cathartic release that lays bare the tangled web of human emotion in all its chaotic glory.

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